
The RoboLab welcomes students eager to expand their knowledge in robotics or mobile phone programming and even compete in different national and international contests.


Each year, the laboratory assistents for the Microcontroller Programming track meet up in a weekend in order to help students realize their assignment. This edition (2012) we have reached a record of more than 200 corroded boards.

Robotics competitions

Freescale Race Challenge

The Freescale Race Challenge is an engineering contest designed to inspire students towards further studies in the fields of semiconductors. All the participants receive the same equipment, a slot car, which they have to program. The goal is to keep the car on track for 10+10 laps and achieve the best time.
This year, three of our best teams have gone to Prague to the semi-finals and two of them made it in the final 14.

Our faculty had 3 teams participating in the finals at Prague and they won the following prizes:

  • The Best Introduction team video special award
  • Best Technical Design award

Robotics Summer School

Robosapiens controlled through a Kinect

The Robosapiens robot in the image below has been programmed to respond to gestures received by a Microsoft Kinect sensor. Because the computer could not be directly used to send commands to the robot, an intermediary hardware – and Arduino board – was added.

Mouse glove

Ever wonder how it would be like to play videogames with a mouse glove instead of a real mouse? What if we would tell you that you can make your own mouse glove? We’ve tested it on Chicken Invaders and it works like a charm!

3pi linefollowers

The 3pi robots are easily programmed to follow a black line, or even collaborate with one another to escape a maze!

Android Summer School

The 9th edition of the NCIT Summer School will take place in June. As in the previous years, students will work on projects on three tracks: High Performance Computing, Embedded Systems and Mobile Programming (Android).

The Summer School begins with a few days of trainings, bootcamps and invited talks. We plan to welcome a few other tech talks from Google, Intel and Freescale. During the following three weeks, students will work individually or in teams. This year we plan on international student participation, from several Universities throughout Europe and Asia.

Working on Android projects, students learn and experiment with features of the Android API, such as: camera, sensors (movement, light, compass etc.), graphics, fragment based UI, gesture detection, text-to-speach, voice commands and many more.

Each year, around 20 diploma projects are developed on Android. Topics include: measuring air quality with the mobile device, synchronizing calendars and files, capturing device movement, presentation sharing, interacting with robots and many more.

These projects will be presented at the Student Scientific Session, which will take place at „Politehnica” University of Bucharest, each May. Also, the projects will result in a Diploma Thesis and a demo application.

Master research is a project based effort that all master students must attend to. They work individually or in teams at topics such as mobile learning, controlling indoors environments with the mobile device and interacting with different embedded systems. They also develop soft skills such as writting scientific papers and their disertation thesis.

Face detection and recognition

This app is specially designed for Android phones. It is written in Java and currently it’s in the beta testing phase. It not only detects faces, but also recognizes them based on other photos of the same person. It’s a fun application that can also help you better organize your social life.

Useful Links

Embedded Systems Lab
NCIT Summer School Official WebPage
Our team’s former blog
Android Projects